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Bible Reading Coach, Week 7 (Leviticus 21 – Numbers 15) Spies, Grasshoppers & Disobedience
This week we’ll read the pivotal moment when the people don’t have faith to take the Promised Land, so God sentences them to wander in the desert for 40 years. So many years, and so many lessons – for them and us.

A Christian’s Guide To The Gender Revolution, with Dr. Vince Gil (Podcast Ep 023)
Karl Vaters interviews Dr. Vincent E. Gil about how to understand the current “gender moment,” and how to help pastors approach varied sex/gender concerns with our congregants and beyond.

Bible Reading Coach, Week 6 (Leviticus 1-20) The Law, The Priests & The Feasts
Why do Christians follow some Old Testament laws, but not others? It’s not random. In this episode we answer that question as we start to explore this rich, but challenging section of the Bible.

7 Dangers Of Romanticizing The Small Church
If the first job of leadership is to define reality, belittling small churches is not realistic. Neither is idealizing or romanticizing them. We must see them accurately so we can serve and lead them well.

Bible Reading Coach, Week 5 (Exodus 20-40) The 10 Commandments, the Ark, and the Tabernacle
In this week’s reading, God gives the 10 Commandments – the very first words in the library of the Bible. Also making an appearance? The tabernacle and the ark of the covenant.

If Small Churches Are Essential, Why Are We Not Fulfilling Our Potential?
Small churches are vibrant, active participants in the current work God is doing in the world. We want to do better. We can do better. We will do better. But we can’t do it alone.

The Bible Reading Coach, Week 4 (Exodus 1-19) Moses Delivers God’s People
This week, in one of the most cinematic passages of the Bible, we’ll read about Moses’ call to deliver God’s people from 400 years of slavery.

What The Church Must Rely On When The Road Ahead Is Uncertain
When all else fails, the long, slow, but always-reliable process of restoring and nurturing relationships is what will get us through.

The Bible Reading Coach, Week 3 (Genesis 36-50) Joseph’s Story
This episode covers the sibling rivalry of Jacob & Esau, then the story of Joseph. It includes the coat of many colors and how God honored Joseph because he did the right thing no matter what.
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Karl Vaters produces resources for Helping Small Churches Thrive at KarlVaters.com.
He's the author of five books on church leadership, including his newest, De-Sizing the Church: How Church Growth Became a Science, Then an Obsession, and What's Next. His other books include The Grasshopper Myth and Small Church Essentials.
Karl also hosts a bi-weekly podcast, The Church Lobby: Conversations on Faith & Ministry, featuring in-depth interviews about topics that concern pastors, especially those who minister in a small church context. He has served in small-church ministry for over 40 years, so he speaks and writes from decades of hands-on pastoral experience.
You can follow Karl on Facebook, Instagram, X, YouTube, and LinkedIn, or Contact Karl to inquire about speaking, writing, and consultation.
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