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When Small Is Your Only Option (A Video and a Podcast)

There are a lot of reasons healthy Small Churches stay small that have nothing to do with lack of faith, wrong principles, laziness, settling for less or incompetence. I’ve written about some of those reasons here already. Here’s another reason. Sometimes churches stay small because small is their only option. Today, I’m presenting two posts

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9 No-Fault, No-Excuse Reasons Many Healthy Churches Stay Small

“What am I doing wrong?!” How many Small Church pastors constantly torture themselves with that question? And it doesn’t help that someone’s always writing another list to tell us about the mistakes and sins we must be committing that are keeping our church from the supposedly inevitable numerical growth we’d see if we got our act together. It’s not

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6 Principles to Remember When Success Seems Elusive

I learned a few unexpected lessons on our recent trip to minister to Small Church pastors in Croatia. Most of them happened in the challenges we faced trying to get there. It started with a huge mistake that I made in Germany – filling our diesel car with gasoline (yeah, I know). Then, what should

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Got a Tough Job You Want Done Right? Call a Small Church Pastor

Over the past two weekends my wife and I spent time with two groups of Small Church pastors who are doing work that few people would volunteer to do – and even fewer could do if they were asked. These two groups of pastors and the situations they face could not be more different from each other.

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Why I Don’t Trust Sermon Notes that Rhyme – And What I Do Instead

If I was only allowed to give one piece of advice to pastors about how to make their Sunday messages more appealing to a younger audience, it would be this. Stop making your sermon notes rhyme. For generations, rhymes and alliterations were expected from public speakers. It made them seem credible, authoritative and prepared. And

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