Making Space for Ministry and Life In an Increasingly Cluttered World, with Daniel Sih (Ep 042)

Insights into how technology is changing the way we work, worship, live, communicate, and think. Plus a hopeful, Bible-based alternative.

In this episode I interview Daniel Sih about the information in his recent book, Spacemaker: How to Unplug, Unwind and Think Clearly in the Digital Age.

Specifically, we address three areas that are having a massive effect on our lives and ministries:

  • Clutter
  • Neuroplasticity
  • The stories we tell

In our increasingly tech-driven world, the technology that used to be (and still can be) so helpful is now causing significant changes to the way we work, worship, live, communicate and even the way our brains are wired. And many of these changes are not good.

But the news is not all bad. Daniel offers great Bible-based insights into how we can acknowledge these challenges, offer a far better alternative, and minister in ways that answer people’s deepest needs.

But first, we need to get and stay healthy, ourselves. Stop living by the world’s stories, and find ourselves immersed in the bigger, better story God is telling.

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Veronica Beaver | [email protected]


Phil Vaters | [email protected]


Composed and performed by Jack Wilkins |


by Solomon Joy

Shelley Vaters |


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