Sorry, Pastor – Numbers Are NOT People

Numbers matter at our church because every number is a person. No. Just… No. Too many pastors are hanging on to the increasingly antiquated notion that every number is a person and vice versa. Certainly, church metrics can be helpful. But only if we use them wisely. And hold them lightly. At best, our attendance numbers are like the old-school number machines at the deli. They’re stand-in for actually knowing people’s names, stories and lives. They can increase efficiency when we’re selling bratwurst, but they’re not effective when we’re dealing with the deepest parts of people’s lives.

Numbers matter at our church because every number is a person.

No. Just… No.

Too many pastors are hanging on to the increasingly antiquated notion that every number is a person and vice versa.

Certainly, church metrics can be helpful. But only if we use them wisely. And hold them lightly.

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