Can a Pastor Change the Culture of a Small Church? (Podcast Ep 3)

A church’s culture is defined as “the unwritten set of rules that governs everything a church does.” In a big church, the pastor and staff set the culture, but in a small church the culture is set by the long-time regular members and attenders - even if they don't know they’re doing it.

A church’s culture is defined as “the unwritten set of rules that governs everything a church does.”

In a big church, the pastor and staff set the culture, but in a small church it’s set by the long-time regular members and attenders – even if they don’t know they’re doing it.

In this episode I talk about the three steps that will help a small church pastor lead a church through a culture shift.

  1. Show them you understand their culture
  2. Show them what you appreciate about it
  3. Then you will get limited permission to participate with them to lead and shape it

I also talk about the main problems that small churches leaders face when trying to change a church’s culture, and how to address each one.

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I also covered these principles in a previous article, 3 Steps To Culture Change In A Small Church (Hint: It’s Different Than A Big Church).

Links from the Episode

Dirt Matters by Jim Powell

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Veronica Beaver |

Music composed and performed by
Jack Wilkins |

Podcast logo created by
Solomon Joy |

Shelley Vaters |


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