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4 Signs Your Church Should Stop Doing Small Group Ministry

We all know small group ministry is a must for a healthy church, right? But what if we’re wrong? What if small groups aren’t right for a lot of churches? I’ve struggled for decades (wow… decades! I didn’t realize that until I wrote it…) trying to do healthy small group ministry in my church, with

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How Do We Measure the Things That Matter?

We don’t measure the things that matter. We measure the things we manage. That’s the essence of a comment I made this week in response to a short blogpost written by Artie Davis, entitled Disciples? If You Mean It, Measure It! UPDATE: Check out the gracious response to this post from Artie, below. Artie’s blogpost

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To My Friends Who Pastor Big Churches

We are on the same team. I’m grateful when you are there to help me and other Small Church pastors. But I also want you to know that we are here to help you too. There is a lot we can learn from each other. When megachurch pastors hold conferences, I know they do it

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Finding Buried Treasure in the Christmas Story

Preacher’s Block is a challenge during the best of times. But coming up with something fresh to say from the 39 verses the bible gives us about the birth of Jesus can be very difficult – even discouraging. Here are five principles to help pastors keep the story – and their preaching – fresh this Christmas.

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Hey! Small Church Pastors! Stop Doing This Alone!

Why are you doing this alone? That question is printed on a card that sits on my desk every day. It reminds me not to fall into the trap that too many Small Church pastors get caught in. Being a Small Church pastor is one of the loneliest, most stress-filled positions in the world. We have

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Chronic Complainers, Part 2 – When Win-Win is a No-Go

In a strong, healthy Small Church, chronic complainers can cause a lot of stress on the pastor and other leaders. If the Small Church is weak and/or unhealthy, complainers can kill a pastor’s and church’s spirit, sometimes without intending to. In Part 1 of this series, we saw some things we can do to move

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Chronic Complainers, Part 1 – Creating a Win-Win

Chronic complainers aren’t a huge issue in a big church. Very few congregation members will know them, and even the pastor may only be aware of them by email (but so many emails!). In a Small Church their voice is loud. They know everyone – and everyone knows them. The challenge for Small Church pastors

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My Church IS Growing, It’s Just Not Getting Bigger

Bigger isn’t always better. When pastors ask each other if our churches are growing, the question we’re always – and I mean always – asking is are we getting bigger? Every year our church fills out a report on the vital statistics of the congregation. If the only thing you knew about our church was

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