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The Astonishing Power of Small Churches: Strategic Placement

If Small Churches were a country, we’d be the second largest nation on earth. And China had better watch out, because when you contrast their one-child-per-family policy to the Christian revivals sweeping through Africa, Latin America and Asia, Small Churches will soon be looking at China in the rear-view mirror, too. But the astonishing power of Small

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The Astonishing Power of Small Churches: Over One Billion Served

There are more than 2.2 billion Christians in the world. Almost 1/3 of the world’s population. 100–150 million of them attend megachurches. That is something to thank God for. But over half the Christians on earth are involved in churches with less than *250 people in them. Which, when you do some basic math, leads to

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Why Be Innovative? The Amazing Advantage of the Small Church

Why bother? Your church is small. You don’t have enough money, people or facilities to be innovative, do you? That’s precisely the reason we must be innovative. Some of the world’s greatest ideas, products and revolutions came about, not because someone had unlimited money and resources, but precisely because they did not. Their lack what

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Ramps vs. Signs – How to Be On Offense Without Being Offensive

What are we afraid of? So many churches and pastors act in fear and stay on defense when we should be acting in love and staying on offense. I’m not saying that we need to be offensive. Quite the opposite. A church on offense, a church that is aggressively offering concrete examples of Christ’s love to

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10 Questions Every Innovative Small Church Pastor Needs to Ask

You can’t arrive at the right answers unless you ask the right questions. That was the premise of a great new post by Dave Jacobs entitled “10 Questions to Ask Before Adding, Subtracting, or Changing Something.” If you’re looking to move your Small Church from dead, dying or static, to healthy and innovative, these ten questions

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Bringing Innovation to an Established Small Church

Why bother trying to resurrect an old, dying church? I’ve heard that question a lot. There was a time when it seemed like every pastor I went to Bible College with was pastoring a dynamic, growing church, but me. They followed church growth principles and started new churches. In a few years they were buying

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Becoming an Innovative Small Church: Start In the Shallow End

Change is hard. Don’t make it harder than it has to be. If I could only give one piece of advice to pastors struggling to turn a dying, unhealthy, static Small Church into a fresh, healthy, innovative one, this would be it. Do the easy parts first. It’s a basic principle of life that we

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You Can Overcome Small Church Discouragements

Sometimes the most dangerous threat to the truth is not a lie, it’s a lesser truth. Lies are usually easy to spot, but lesser truths are harder because …well… they’re still true. At virtually every moment of our lives, there are at least two truths battling for our heart. A greater truth and a lesser truth. The

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What Do Congregations Want in a Pastor? Surprise! It’s Us!

If you asked a few hundred church members what characteristics they were searching for in a pastor, what do you think they’d say? You don’t have to wonder. Thom Rainer asked that question a while ago and published the top ten responses on his blog last week. When I first read the list, I smiled.

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