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5 Principles Megachurches Can Learn From Small Churches

Small Churches receive a lot from our megachurch friends. We read their books, sing their songs, use their curriculum and attend their seminars. And we’re grateful. But the benefits don’t have to flow only one way. There are some very important, though less obvious things that megachurches can learn from Small Churches. Not necessarily books

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The Importance of Finding Your Church’s Unique Voice

What kind of culture does your church have? Are you a Willow Creek, or North Point church? Is your worship style more Hillsong, or Holy Trinity Brompton? Do you have an artsy, Mosaic vibe, a soulful, Brooklyn Tabernacle feel, or a structured, Saddleback system? For many years, people knew what to expect when they walked into

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How to Quit Using a Discipleship System and Start Making Disciples

Does your Small Church have a discipleship system in place? Most don’t. Mine doesn’t. We used to. But we quit doing it years ago. It didn’t work for us. We were using a well-known discipleship curriculum from a megachurch, that we adapted to our Small Church. We did it because everybody – and I mean everybody!

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5 Principles Small Churches Can Learn From Megachurches

Small Churches are not scaled-down versions of megachurches. We’re different, not just in size, but in methodology. A lot of what works in big churches just won’t work in smaller ones. And vice versa. But there are some overlapping principles. Starting with the scriptural fundamentals, of course. Over the years, I’ve noticed some principles that

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Could Excellence Be Killing the Church?

“I left my Small Church because the quality of worship, programs and preaching wasn’t great. Then I came back to my Small Church because the quality of worship, programs and preaching in the megachurch was so high, it made me passive. “The big church didn’t need me. My Small Church does. And I need to be

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Tired of the Show: Hollywood, the Church & the End of the Competition

There’s a growing concern that the church needs to do a better job than we’ve been doing, or we’ll lose the next generation. The good news is that this has been the concern of every generation, yet the church continues to live and thrive.

The bad news is we will lose this generation and the next one (at least) unless we do one thing.

Stop competing, and start doing the Bible stuff better.

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Alone In a Crowd – The High Price of Big Church

Big churches are great. But they’re not built without a cost. And no one pays a higher price than the big church pastor. In a recent blog post, Ed Stetzer re-published the results of a 2011 survey taken by his ministry,, in which he asked pastors what they felt about the ministry. His survey

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