The Importance Of Being Very Literal In Our Easter Sunday Sermons

On Good Friday and Easter let’s get out of the way and let the best story of all stand on its own.

Good stories matter.

They can tell us truths that drill themselves deep into our core.

As Easter approaches, many pastors will be tempted to tell a feel-good story of spiritual renewal, personal growth and universal hope to our larger-than-usual congregations.

That’s a good story.

But I want to encourage you to tell a better story.

Tell the story of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.

Not as a metaphor for change and hope. As a real-life narrative.

Get Wrecked by the Cross Again

Recently, in a church discipleship group, we were studying the Gospel of John together. After reading the account of the last supper, crucifixion and resurrection, I asked a group member how it went for him.

“It wrecked me – again”, he said. “I was spellbound. Everything else faded into black as that story came to life for me.”

That’s it, I thought. We need to let our lives be wrecked by the cross. Again.

As pastors, we need to resist the temptation to trade down for good, but lesser stories.

Even if I didn’t believe it to be literally true, I’d let Jesus’ story stand on its own simply because it’s so much better than any other story – or any other version of his story – that I can create.

Thankfully, it also has the added bonus of being literally true, which makes the greatest story of all even better.

The Resurrection Is a Better Story

Metaphor is powerful. Myth is deep and penetrating.

But reality is more powerful, deep and penetrating.

  • How much Jesus loves me is a better story than how much I’m trying to love myself
  • The greatness of the creator is a better story than the reflected greatness of the creation
  • Grace is a better story than success
  • The way of the cross is a better story than winning an argument
  • The resurrection is a better story than anything

And – one more thing – it’s true.

On Good Friday and Easter let’s get out of the way and let the best story of all stand on its own.

(Photo by Martin Robles| Unsplash)


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