Getting Unstuck: Innovative Small Churches Find Alternatives, Not Excuses

What’s a small church pastor to do when we’re working hard, seeing signs of health, but the numbers are stuck? Don’t look for excuses, look for alternatives. Most of us have an image in our heads of what church growth should look like. Some see a bigger crowd or a bigger building. Some see a currently large, but empty building getting full again. But for many of us, that church growth image comes down to one final result. More people in my church. As much as we like to deny it, most of us think and act like a bigger church is a better church. But is it always better?

What’s a small church pastor to do when we’re working hard, seeing signs of health, but the numbers are stuck?

Don’t look for excuses, look for alternatives.

As much as we like to deny it, most of us think and act like a bigger church is a better church.

But is it always better?

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