Small Churches

What makes Small Churches unique?

5 Good Reasons To Go To a Small Church

In my last post I gave you 5 Bad Reasons To Go To a Small Church.

But there are some great reasons to go to a Small Church, too.

Some people wonder if there’s ever a reason to go to a Small Church. After all, if they’re small, they must be doing something wrong, right?


There are a lot of great Small Churches in the world, and a lot of great reasons to worship, minister and fellowship in one. Here are 5 of them.

This is the second in a series of four posts on both bad and good reasons to want to go to a small or big church. (Scroll down to see the previous and upcoming post titles.)

1. Because It’s Where My Gifts Can Flourish

Some people’s ministry gifts aren’t suited to a big church.

It’s not because they’re gifts are lesser, they’re just more usable in a smaller setting. If God can use your gifts better in a Small Church than a big church, go to a Small Church. Which leads us to…

2. Because They Can Really Use You

Big churches usually have little problem finding help – both paid and unpaid.

But there are many Small Churches all over the world that are desperate for people who are willing to help wherever they can. I hear this cry from Small Church pastors all the time. People visit, maybe even a few times. They say they like the church, the people, the preaching, but they leave because “you don’t have such-and-such a ministry”. To which we want to scream “then stick around and help us start such-and-such a ministry!”

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