
I Wasn’t Afraid to Go to Church Yesterday: A Memorial Day Tribute

Yesterday morning, hundreds of millions of people woke up and went to church. In some places around the world, many people risked their livelihoods, their safety, their families and even their lives to worship together. If you live in one of the nations where you can go to church without fear, let’s take a moment today to

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What a Rabbi Taught Me About Keeping Christ In Christmas

“Keep Christ in Christmas” is a familiar saying this time of the year. But you don’t expect to hear it from the local rabbi.

For several years I was involved in our town’s Police Chaplaincy. One year, at our December meeting, the Methodist pastor noticed that the napkins had a picture of Santa Claus on them. He slid one across the table to the rabbi from the local synagogue.

“Hey Steve,” he asked, “what do Jewish people think about Santa Claus?”

“Nothing,” the rabbi responded as he picked up the napkin. “Santa is a Christmas character.”

“But he’s a secular figure,” countered the Methodist. “Don’t you even let the kids do presents from Santa so they won’t feel left out?”

“No,” he responded. “We don’t worry about that. In fact I think you Christians ought to keep Christ in Christmas.”

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