Want Real Church Growth? Don’t Fill Your Building, Empty It

Getting more people to go to church has never been the point of church growth.

Jesus didn’t tell us to “work really hard to gather people into large crowds to fill up your church buildings. Then I’ll know that you love me.” But when you look at how most pastors (including me) spend much of our time and energy, sometimes it feels like we think that.

Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of Facebook posts and blogs longing for the “good old days” when churches were full on Sunday mornings, evenings and during the week.

I understand that longing. After all, I’ve experienced many a Sunday with depressingly small church attendance. But I don’t want to hear about churches filling up as a sign of revival, renewal or spiritual awakening any more! I want to hear about churches emptying out. Out into their community to minister, to serve and to share the good news. That’s a greater sign of effective ministry than an increase in church attendance will ever be.

Want Real Church Growth? Don’t Fill Your Building, Empty It Read More »