Christian Unity

Big Church Sins vs. Small Church Sins: Who’ll Throw the First Stone?

Big churches and Small Churches bring different gifts to the body of Christ. They also face different sets of temptations, based on their size.

The biggest problem with church size isn’t that there are too many big congregations or too many small ones. I also don’t think there is an ideal church size or a bad church size.

The biggest problem with church size is when we use it as one more excuse for Christians to throw stones at each other.

Big Church Sins vs. Small Church Sins: Who’ll Throw the First Stone? Read More »

Yes, My Church Still Calls It Easter – Here are 5 Reasons Why

I wish Easter wasn’t called Easter. It would be great if everyone knew it as Resurrection Sunday. But they don’t. So, while our church uses both terms, Easter is our go-to – especially when we invite people to join us.

If your church doesn’t use the word Easter, I’m not arguing that you should. But here are five reasons why we do.

Yes, My Church Still Calls It Easter – Here are 5 Reasons Why Read More »

Do You Have to Be Crazy to Go Into Full-Time Ministry? (An Overdue Conversation)

You’ve heard of someone Going Postal? Maybe we should be more concerned about them Going Pastoral.

Ministry is not for the faint of heart. The stats mount up every day about how hazardous it can be for our emotional, financial, even spiritual health. But, according to Forbes magazine, it may not be that ministry makes you crazy, as much as it attracts people who are crazy. Clergyperson is #8 on the list of jobs most likely to attract psychopaths.

Do You Have to Be Crazy to Go Into Full-Time Ministry? (An Overdue Conversation) Read More »

I Don’t Go to Church to Worship Jesus

Since the Day of Pentecost, all believers have the Holy Spirit living in us from the moment of salvation, so we carry his presence with us. This means that every act of my life, whether alone or in the company of others, can and should be an act of worship.

But I still go to church every weekend. And I would go every weekend, even if I wasn’t a pastor.


I don’t go to church to worship Jesus. I go to church to worship Jesus with other people. Because I need to worship Jesus in the company of others. We all do.

I Don’t Go to Church to Worship Jesus Read More »

The 10% Grace Rule: Judging Without Being Judgmental

The more you speak or write, the more mistakes you’ll make. It’s unavoidable. Those who put their opinions out for public consumption in blogs, books, sermons, etc., take on a huge risk, because their mistakes will be amplified by the amount of information they’re putting out and by the size of the audience.

Unfortunately, there are many of us – and way too many in the Christian community – looking for people to trip up. Instead of giving people the benefit of the doubt, they’re very quick to pounce on any misstatement (real or perceived) as the judge, jury and executioner.

But we can’t just nod and smile at untrue, unkind or unChristian statements, either. We need to practice reasonable judgment about what people say and write. Sometimes those statements need to be challenged, lovingly, but firmly.

As always, Jesus said it best. We need to, “Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgment.” But how do we do that? As Christians and as consumers of content, how do we balance wise discernment with forgiveness and grace?

The 10% Grace Rule: Judging Without Being Judgmental Read More »

12 Ways to Disagree Online Without Being a Jerk

The internet is a great place for debate. I love throwing ideas out there, stirring up interest and hearing other passionate opinions.

But the anonymity of the internet also has a way of turning mean people loose. And that stifles, sometimes kills, the opportunity for healthy, inspiring conversation. A lot of good people have stopped writing online altogether because they don’t want the nastiness any more. I don’t blame them.

The worst place for this is usually in the comments section of blogs. Unfortunately, Christian sites – even church leadership sites – are no exception to this.

I refuse to be influenced by the nastiness. It won’t sucker me in or bully me away. I will continue to engage in the debate, stir up alternative views and dialog honestly and openly.

I’ve learned that it is possible to disagree with someone online and not be a jerk about it. So if you, like me, want to engage in lively discussion, even disagreements online, while keeping the tone civil, try these twelve steps as a guide.

12 Ways to Disagree Online Without Being a Jerk Read More »