Church Is Not Just Who We Are, It’s Also Where We Go

When people say we don’t go to church, we are the church, I resonate very deeply with them.

The church is not a building or an event. It’s people.

But there’s a part of me that resists saying we don’t go to church. Because we do.

Church is not just who we are. It’s also where we go.

It makes no difference if we gather in a brick building with pews and stained glass, a renovated storefront, a multi-purpose room, a megachurch, a coffee shop or a house. But it does matter that we go somewhere.

The church is not just people, it’s people who meet together. For worship, fellowship, discipleship and more.

The meeting part matters.

As long as we exist in physical bodies, those bodies will require physical places to have church meetings.

Church Is Not Just Who We Are, It’s Also Where We Go Read More »