The Main Reason Pastors Count People Is Not as Noble (or Sinister) as You Think

Keeping accurate numbers is important. When we track the right metrics and use that information well, we can do better ministry. The larger the scale of the ministry, the more the numbers matter. So the church needs some numbers-oriented people.

But I’ve discovered another reason many pastors pay such close attention to attendance records and offering amounts. In fact, I think it’s the main reason.

We don’t like to admit it, even to ourselves, because it’s not quite as noble as we’d like. It’s not sinister, either. Perhaps it’s just embarrassing.

Pastors don’t just count people because people count. Sometimes pastors count people to assure ourselves that we count. That our efforts matter.

Sometimes it’s less for their benefit and more for our often-bruised ego.

The Main Reason Pastors Count People Is Not as Noble (or Sinister) as You Think Read More »