Mind the Gap: When Your Next Church Growth Step Is a Giant Leap

Church growth is not a steady line.

Not only does it have ups and downs, it also has gaps. Some bigger than others.

In my church, for example, the growth from 35 to 200 has been an up-and-down, step-by-step, decades-long growth curve. But the next level of growth beyond 200 will not happen in single steps, or even by changing leadership styles.

We’re looking at a huge gap in front of us.

This is not a story about how we jumped over that gap.
It’s not whining about why we can’t jump.

It’s about decisions we’ve made, after taking the gap into account. How we’ve adapted to life and ministry on this side of the gap. Vibrant, innovative, kingdom-building ministry.

It’s the story of why not taking that leap is the best strategy for our church.

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