11 Types of Healthy Churches That Often Stay Small

“If a church stays small, they must be doing something wrong. It can’t possibly be healthy.”

This has been an underlying assumption of many in the church growth movement. (Although it’s usually more subtly stated than that.) But, as with any assumption, we must always ask one vital question.

Is it true?

I say no.

Certainly many churches that stay small are unhealthy. Thankfully, unhealthy churches tend not to grow.

But, as I’ve written in The Myth of Inevitable Congregational Growth, some healthy churches don’t experience the numerical growth we expect.

So I’ve started compiling a list of the types of healthy small churches whose numbers will often stay static, even though they’re doing great kingdom work.

It’s not a definitive list. Just what I’ve discovered so far. And it’s not universally true. Every one of these has exceptional cases of significant numerical growth.

Also, I am not offering these as an excuse for laziness or any other form of ill-health. Enthusiastic participation in the growth of the church through the Great Commandment and Great Commission is a non-optional essential for every congregation. But many types of churches do that without seeing their own numerical growth.

Here are 11 of them:

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