Uh, Pastor… Being Right Is Not an Excuse to Be Mean

Some pastors seem to delight in being hard and mean.

We’re in a spiritual battle! they’ll say.

Jesus used a whip and turned over tables! they’ll remind us.

OK. Yes, Jesus did that. Towards religious leaders.

But to the average person seeking help and truth? He was almost universally meek and gentle – a friend of sinners. So kind and nice that it got him in trouble at times.

Pastors have a lot of power in the church and in people’s lives. Many would argue that we often have more power than we should – and I would fully agree with that. But that is reality. A reality we need to take into account then we’re dealing with people.

In addition, there seems to be a group of pastors who are perpetually angry. They can quote chapter-and-verse for everyone else’s sins, but they’re not so good at remembering James 1:20 which reminds us that “…man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.”

As pastors, we don’t even need to be angry for our words – even true words – to hurt people unnecessarily.

Here’s an example.

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