One Pastor’s Response to the Bruce Jenners In Our Lives and Churches

OK, I’m going there.

I don’t often use this forum to comment on the hot topics of the day. I’ve discovered that when topics are as fresh and popular as Sunday’s Bruce Jenner interview with Diane Sawyer, it’s hard for anything but the shrill voices on each extreme to be heard.

But I’m giving it a try today. Here’s why.

I know people like Bruce Jenner.*

I have spent many hours sitting, talking and crying with people who struggle with various gender and sexual issues.

I’ve also sat with their loved ones. Parents and grandparents, sons and daughters, husbands and wives. I’ve seen the pain and confusion in their eyes as they struggle to adapt.

What does it mean as a Christian to love a child, parent or spouse who has just told you they are gay? Or that they’ve felt trapped in the wrong body all their lives? (No, those are not the same thing.)

And who can help me negotiate what to do next?

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