Please Stop Writing “Here’s Why Your Church Isn’t Growing” Lists – They Don’t Help

When an already-discouraged pastor reads a list telling them their church isn’t growing because they’re visionless, self-serving and petty, it doesn’t lift them up, it beats them down.

Guilt doesn’t motivate, it discourages. Besides, those petty attitudes aren’t true for us. Pastors who don’t care, don’t read church leadership blogs!

Don’t slap our hands, put tools in them. Tools that will work for us now, while we’re small. Tools that promote health and growth. Tools that encourage and inspire us. Slapping the hands of your readers for not caring is like yelling at the people who did show up to church because you’re mad at the people who didn’t show up.

We need a moratorium on “Why Your Church Isn’t Growing” lists for one simple reason: they don’t work!

Please Stop Writing “Here’s Why Your Church Isn’t Growing” Lists – They Don’t Help Read More »