
The Biggest Misunderstanding About Small Church Pastors

There are a lot of misunderstandings about small churches and the people who pastor them.

That we’re a problem to be fixed
That we could be fixed if we’d just adhere to the latest 8-step church growth plan
That we can only do good ministry when we hit a certain critical mass
and so on
But, without question, the biggest misunderstanding about small churches and the people who pastor them is this:

Too many people (especially fellow pastors) think that small church pastors aren’t interested in church growth. That we’ve given up on reaching new people. That we’ve decided to stay small out of fear, comfort, lack of passion or something equally petty.

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How To Give Money Less Power Over Your Church

Money is in charge of too many of our churches.

So many good congregations want to do great ministry, but their limited finances cause them to make too many decisions based on what they can or can’t afford, instead of what God is calling them to do.

It’s a trap that may seem impossible to get put of. But there is hope.

In today’s post I want to tell you about a decision our church made over two decades ago that has been a great starting point in allowing us to follow God more and money less.

Here it is.

Our church will never make a decision about doing a ministry based on what we can or can’t afford. Because if we pencil it out, we’ll never be able to afford it.

(This is part of an ongoing series, Money and the Small Church.)

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How To Give Money Less Power Over Your Church

Money is in charge of too many of our churches.

So many good congregations want to do great ministry, but their limited finances cause them to make too many decisions based on what they can or can’t afford, instead of what God is calling them to do.

It’s a trap that may seem impossible to get put of. But there is hope.

In today’s post I want to tell you about a decision our church made over two decades ago that has been a great starting point in allowing us to follow God more and money less.

Here it is.

Our church will never make a decision about doing a ministry based on what we can or can’t afford. Because if we pencil it out, we’ll never be able to afford it.

(This is part of an ongoing series, Money and the Small Church.)

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