I’m Offended! By Easily-Offended Christians

Well, we did it. We made it through this Christmas without a major national brouhaha erupting about a not-holy-enough red cup, banned lyrics at a school play, or a scandalously-placed manger scene. So let's keep it going, shall we? Let's resolve to go through the coming year determined not to be so easily offended anymore. Christians should be some of hardest-to-offend people in the world. Because we should be like Jesus. We should reserve our outrage for truly offensive things.

Here’s something we never hear, but should. “Hey, those Christians never seem to get upset, no matter what we throw at them, but they’re really angry about how many kids in our city are going to bed hungry tonight. Maybe we should listen and help them change things.”

Crazy, right? But it shouldn’t be.

Instead of crying about the offenses against us (both real and perceived), what if we made more noise about offenses against others?

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